Window Replacement

Warning Signs

Do you feel a draft when walking by your windows? Have you noticed a large increase in utility bills? An easy way to find leaks is by holding a lighter or lit match and going around the window seams with it. If the flame flickers or goes out, you have a leak and may need new windows. If you live in the Greensboro, NC area, MDH Unlimited, LLC is here to help.

Personalized Services & Communication

We’d be happy to tell you about all the options when it comes to window materials, including low-maintenance vinyl. We also have plenty of energy-efficient windows that can help you save a bundle of money on your monthly utility costs over time. That’s because your home will be using less heat and air conditioning because they won’t be compensating for leaky windows. We believe in personal, one-on-one service for all customers, so you’ll deal only with us throughout the project’s length. 

Call us to get started today!
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